
The Land of Descending DragonHalong Bay is located in Quang Ninh Province 160 km from Hanoi, in the Gulf of Tonkin, and is undeniably one of the must-visit postcard-worthy landmarks of Vietnam. In 1994 Halong Bay was by right granted the title of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Just imagine: over 1.500 km2 of serenity and...
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You might have heard of romantic boat rides on rivers around Venice and think of it as a very unique activity. But, do you want to experience even more than that? What about travelling to a place where people actually live on the water, open their restaurants and make a living? Intrigued? Let’s go to...
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vietnam transportation guide motorcycle
You might hear about the chaotic traffic in Vietnam and feel a little bit unconfident when it comes to getting around the country. Worry no more, even with chaotic traffic in Hanoi and Saigon, most of the visitors have to admit that they rarely witness an accident on the street. Let’s pack up your curious...
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Is Vietnam safe? Check out our vietnam survival guide
Is Vietnam safe? This is one of the first questions every foreigner asks when coming to Vietnam. The quick answer would be yes. The more elaborate answer would be that, as one of the most visited countries in the world, Vietnam has also its fair share of tourist scams. Although they are not dangerous and...
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The capital city Hanoi is located in the Northern Vietnam. With its unique interplay of authentic Southeast Asian culture, Chinese and colonial French influences, it never stops to enchant thousands of tourists. If you are planning a trip, and your head is crammed with questions: What are the best things to do in Hanoi? How...
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