
Tips & Tricks
Souvenirs in Vietnam: the iconic conical hat - Non La
Upon travelling to Vietnam, as any other tourist destinations in the world, you may wonder about what souvenirs to buy and where to find the best ones. Vietnam has a highly versatile culture and has still preserved its traditional crafts for centuries. Hence, there are a large variety of souvenir options apart from food gifts...
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traffic in Vietnam is part of the vietnamese culture
The other side of the world, Asia and in particular Vietnam is for sure, a different universe. Everything differs – the way of life, the language, behaviour, body language and so on. So for those who travel far from home, we can assure you that you have a lot to expect and to discover about...
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vietnam tips and tricks flight drink
Do you like flying? We sure do. Some flights are, however, too long. They can get boring. Company Qantas is aiming to launch the longest flight in the world, brace yourself: last 21 hours! It will be a non-stop Sydney to London flight, in 2022. But they can be linked to health risks too. Planning...
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vietnam transportation guide motorcycle
You might hear about the chaotic traffic in Vietnam and feel a little bit unconfident when it comes to getting around the country. Worry no more, even with chaotic traffic in Hanoi and Saigon, most of the visitors have to admit that they rarely witness an accident on the street. Let’s pack up your curious...
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Is Vietnam safe? Check out our vietnam survival guide
Is Vietnam safe? This is one of the first questions every foreigner asks when coming to Vietnam. The quick answer would be yes. The more elaborate answer would be that, as one of the most visited countries in the world, Vietnam has also its fair share of tourist scams. Although they are not dangerous and...
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So, you’ve booked your flight. You’ve got your visa. You’re excited and counting the days and hours to the moment your plane takes off and brings you to the unknown. And here the luggage question crops up. But worry not! With this list of tips, there won’t be anything easier than packing for Vietnam!
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Travel with Friends
Vietnam is one of the most popular travel destinations in South East Asia. It is a great place to travel solo or as a couple, but we will tell you why you should travel to Vietnam with friends. 1. Feel safe First, travelling alone might end up as an amazing experience for some people, but...
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Best free travel apps Vietnam
Thanks to technology, travelling in the 21st century has become much easier than before. Wanderlusts around the world can rest assured that mobile phone applications give contain all that is needed for a dream holiday in Vietnam. We’re glad to provide you with the list of the best free travel apps you can use on...
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Calligraphy tradition in Lunar New Year Festival, or Tet in Vietnam
Locals to travel enthusiasts know that Tet in Vietnam (or Lunar New Year) is our biggest and most anticipated holiday. Tết is our longest holiday and the celebration lasts for more than a week. While our Vietnamese hearts are pumping with high anticipation, many visitors, probably you included fear traveling during Tet in Vietnam. Why? Because...
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Traveling in Vietnam with kids
Should I visit Vietnam with kids? YES, you should and we will tell you why. Southeast Asia and Vietnam may seem like a different universe. There are plenty of aliens called backpackers and vast spaces in nature as well as crowded city galaxies full of people whose language you do not understand. Concerned about getting...
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