
hoi an ancient town street
A long, narrow, S-shaped country blessed with beautiful sceneries both land and sea, Vietnam is an attractive destination for all types of travellers. Vietnam, with over a thousand year of history, has become an astonishing mix between natural highlights and cultural diversity. Its scenery ranges from shimmering aquamarine ocean overlooked by winding mountains, to fresh...
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Best places for winter break in Vietnam
Vietnam is one of, if not the best, destinations in Southeast Asia that you must visit at least once in your life. Having a tropical climate, with an annual average temperature of 28°C – 34°C, Vietnam is the ideal spot for your next holiday. Especially during the colder months of December and January, it is best that...
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Are you wandering around, still wondering where to eat in Hanoi? Trust us, for first-time Hanoi visitors and experienced ones alike, we’ve all been there once or twice. Hanoi, at first glance, seems like a mundane capital full of political buildings and not too many attractive restaurants.
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A Guide for Coffee Lovers The Vietnamese Coffee should be a single reason to visit the country. Especially if you are a coffee addict like we are! The French colonists were the ones who introduced coffee to Vietnam, and it quickly became a local habit. Vietnamese coffee has developed it into its own style with...
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You might have probably heard of the Forbidden City in China, or the ancient Kyoto Capital of Japan – where emperors, feudal lords and ladies of different Imperial dynasties reside. But do you know that in Vietnam there exists a similar city? Located in the very heart of Vietnam, Imperial City Hue (pronounced /hwě/) used...
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Vietnam view from above
Understanding the weather in Vietnam is essential for packing! Local weather varies between the Northern, Central, and Southern regions of Vietnam. In the South, beaches are worth a visit during any season, whilst in the centre of Vietnam, the weather is a little warmer than in the North, but a little cooler than in the...
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