The Ultimate Guide To Hoi An

Located in Central Vietnam, Hoi An is one of the famous destinations for travellers. Thanks to its architecture legacy from the 19th century, the yellow buildings and restaurants in addition to its lanterns make Hoi An as a picturesque and enchanting town. That’s why people love it so much! From local specialities to traditional activities, this ultimate guide will help you to learn about all the things to do in Hoi An.

When to visit Hoi An?

Climate and weather

In Central Vietnam, the climate is in general clement compared to the north and the average temperature is approximately 29°C (84°F) all year round. Hoi An has 2 seasons – the dry and the rainy season. The wet season starts from September to January. During that time, October and November are above all the months to avoid as Hoi An is affected by floods. So, the best time to visit the town would be from February to April. It may rain during the day but only for 30 min or more, then the sun comes right back. From May, temperatures start to rise until June, the hottest month. Weather and temperatures all year round to have an idea of the things to do in Hoi An:

How to get there and around?



There are different ways to go to Hoi An based on your starting point. For example, if you are hanging out in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City and want to change the pace to somewhere less bustling like Hoi An, it takes 1h30 by flight, whereas, by bus, though it takes longer (around 12h-15h), it is a whole lot cheaper ($50 – $110 vs $20). As there’s no airport in Hoi An, you will arrive in Da Nang airport which is only less than 1h away. From Da Nang, you can either take a bus, minibus, taxi or go by bike.




Within town, there are plenty of ways to get around. First, as this is a small town you can go anywhere in Hoi An by walk. Renting a bike for yourself is also possible. It’s easy to find rental bike companies there. Then, if your accommodation isn’t located in the centre, some of them provide bicycles for free and homestays or hostels can even rent a bike for you for at least 100.000 VND per day ($4,30).



Grab Taxi

Another option is Grab. It’s one of the most useful travel apps you should have when visiting Vietnam. This is an alternative to Uber and it’s cheaper and easier than taxis.



  • TipsIf you know how to ride a bike, renting one is the best solution with good value for money, but a bicycle too! They are easy means of transport to circulate and to go wherever you want. Together as a family, a couple or between friends it’s a good option for more adventure!

What to see?

Top Attractions

Hoi An Ancient town

The ancient town IS the thing to do in Hoi An! Registered among UNESCO World Heritage site list, this is a famous attraction for travellers. In every street corner, you will find tourists. And what makes travellers falling in love with this place is because it is a lively and lovely town, both day and night. The yellow restaurants and houses from the colonial era make the town unique. Everywhere, each street is covered and decorated with lanterns, the emblematic object of Hoi An. At night, it is even more charming when the multi-colour lanterns are lit up in the dark night!

By visiting Hoi An ancient town, you cannot miss the Japanese Covered Bridge and the Assembly Hall of the Cantonese Chinese Congregation. However, the best spot in Hoi An has got to be the waterfront where cafés and restaurants are located. Walk along the riverside. Stroll through the central market opened day and night where you can buy souvenirs and try local street food. It is leg day both literally and figuratively for your eyes!


Sun, sand, sea, and palms – everything that can highlight your stay in Hoi An. Located on the coast of Vietnam, beaches in Hoi An are a top attraction for travellers. An Bang beach and Cua Dai beach are the popular ones but they are not as crowded as you think. You can find a nice spot to relax, tan and enjoy coconut water on the beach, especially in the morning. As temperatures in Hoi An are on average warm, sea water temperatures are too.

an bang beach things to do in Hoi an
Cham Islands things to do in Hoi An

Cham Islands

Cham Islands are 21km (13 miles) away from Hoi An. They’re recognised UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve and are home for local fishermen. This is the place where you can go scuba diving. Being part of the Cu Lao Cham marine park, there is a lot to explore in terms of biodiversity. From beautiful coral reefs to marine species like turtles and colourful fishes and large tropical forests, the islands got you covered.

However, they can only be reached by boat with tours organised by agencies, or you can always ask your accommodation’s reception.

  • TipsBoat transfers to the islands are not available for some periods of the year due to the bad weather and bad water conditions. For example, dive companies are off from October to November. As a result, the best time to visit the Cham Islands is between March and September. Also, we advise you to stay on the islands for at least one day. Many tourists, in particular, groups visit the islands for a day and it can be very crowded, so stay for 2 days to make sure you can enjoy your journey to the fullest.

My Son

Also listed among UNESCO World Heritage sites, the sanctuary gather what wars have left of the Hindu sculptures, temples and towers from the ancient Champa civilization. Even if there are ruins that still remain, some of them have been rebuilt. It’s an interesting attraction for those who want to learn more about the history of Vietnam and the Hindu religion.

My Son Sanctuary is located about 40 km from Hoi An, in Duy Tan Commune

my son sanctuary one of the things to do in Hoi An
Credits: Backpacker Wanderlust

Thanh Ha Pottery Village

Thanh Ha Pottery Village is situated outside of Hoi An. This is a small tourist attraction where locals have been involved in pottery for centuries. You’ll be able to visit their workshops and see their beautiful handmade works. It’s a good family attraction as children can also have pottery classes and craft their own piece of art, and at the same time supporting the local community.

Lune Performing Centre Hoi An

This entertainment company gathers Vietnamese artists who perform different art and culture shows in main cities in Vietnam and also abroad. Among the list, Hoi An welcomes spectators to discover this amazing culture experience in a moon shape dome made with natural materials such as bamboo and clay. From dance to acrobatics, accompanied by traditional Vietnamese music, be enchanted by the story behind those shows.

➡  Next show in Hoi An

dome lume performing centre, things to do in hoi an

What to do?

Top activities

1. Taking a Boat-ride & Kayaking

  • Bay Mau Coconut Forest

What they call coconut forest is actually a palm forest. It is a fun and friendly 45-minute ride on a typical basket boat called “Thung Thung”. You will be given a traditional conical hat to protect you from the sun. Then, you will be taken through the palm forest by stopping by different spots to take pictures, get handmade palm leaf accessories, then fish as locals do and also attend a bamboo boat performance.

  • Thu Bon river boat-ride

To get a view of the entire ancient town, boat-ride on the Thu Bon river is a great choice. You have different options:

First, by rowing boat from the Ancient Town. A charming and romantic boat ride experience through Hoi An is especially elevated at night. Locals take you with their rowing boat illuminated by lanterns.

The second option is a private tour for at least 2h with meal or dinner included. During the tour, you can have the opportunity to see fishermen villages and admire the landscape.

An alternative to boat-ride is kayaking on the river. Many companies offer tours to go kayaking on the Thu Bon river. For adventure lovers, paddle kayaking day tours are possible depending on your physical abilities.

  • TipsCruise on the river just before sunrise or sunset to make the most of your experience.

2. Create Your Own Lanterns

As aforementioned, Hoi An is illuminated and decorated with numerous colourful Chinese lanterns. They are commonly sold in many stands at the central market. Sure, you can take the easy route and buy one, but would it be better to craft one on your own? This would be one of the most interesting things to do in Hoi An! There are several workshops where you can make a lantern for yourself, with help of course, for example, at the Lantern Manufacture or The Lantern Lady workshop. The benefit is that you will learn how those famous lights are made by local people. It is actually quite easy and takes 45 min more or less depending on your skills. Thus, if you have a knack for crafts or just simply want to try out something that you have not touched since 2nd grade, pick it up! It will be worth it once you see the results of your own hard work and handsweats.

3. Cooking Classes

Among the things to do in Hoi An, participating in a cooking class gives you the opportunity to learn how Vietnamese dishes, in particular, specialities from the local area are made of. Thanks to cooking classes, you will experience the authenticity of Vietnam. Using fresh food and following good instructions from the chief, cooking classes are a nice activity to spend time with your family or friends.

4. Craft the Perfect Clothes

Have you always dreamt of wearing a dress or a suit that would fit you like a glove? It’s possible, and Hoi An is known to gather many tailor shops. So, do not miss the opportunity to get custom-made clothes, shoes, accessories or even traditional Vietnamese clothes like Ao Dai. Count between 350,000 VND ($15) and 2,3M VND ($100), on average, depending on shops and what you want to craft.

5. Cycling in Hoi An

As mentioned before, Hoi An is a small town and it’s quite easy to get a bicycle for free then getting around. Cycling is one of the things to do in Hoi An. Through the ancient town or through rice fields by meeting water buffalos, it’s a very pleasant and calm activity to do during a Vietnam family adventure.

6. Taboo Bamboo Workshop

Specific from tropical countries and is known to be a strong plant, bamboo is used everywhere and for everything. Indeed, there is the Taboo Bamboo Workshop in Hoi An where you can discover Vo Tan Tan’s incredible work. By using only bamboo, he creates amazing and curious objects such as an electric car, helmet, mobile phone case and also his house! So, brace yourself to be mindblown and visit his workshop to see what we are able to do with bamboo. Do not forget to design your own little bamboo souvenir!

7. Ignite your taste buds with local street food

While walking through the local market in the ancient town, you will see many stands offering plenty of curious and delicious snacks. Among sweet and salty street foods, the most curious things you can taste are grilled insects and seafood but also frog or crab on skewers. Keep reading to find other Hoi An food specialities!

What to eat?

Hoi An Specialities
Hoi An style noddle, one of Vietnamese noodle dishes

Cao Lau

If there’s one speciality you must try in Hoi An it’s Cao Lau. Made with Cao Lau noodles, pork slices, soya, lettuce, mint and crackers served in a good broth, the noodles gave their name to the dish. Thick and a bit rubbery, that’s why they’re different from the other ones.

The only best place to eat Cao Lau, as authentic as it is, it’s in local street foods you can find everywhere in Hoi An. Count about 30,000 VND ($1.30) to taste it.

Did you know?

According to the legend, the water used for the broth comes from the Ba Le well in Hoi An.

Com Ga

Even if you can find Com Ga everywhere in Vietnam, Com Ga or chicken rice is special in Hoi An. Why? Because the rice is yellow due to the addition of turmeric and chicken is cooked into the water with aromatics like coriander. That makes the taste unique compared to other chicken rice dishes.

There are many restaurants where you can taste Com Ga in Hoi An. One of the famous ones is Com Ga Ba Buoi, but eating the dish in local street foods where many Vietnamese people gather are always the best locations. 

com ga specialty things to do in hoi an
Credits: Instagram @tworldcz
eating white rose dumplings, things to do in hoi an
Credits: instagram @halfieinthecity

Banh Bao Vac (White Rose)  

Banh Bao Vac are small dumplings made with steamed rice dough wrapping pork or shrimp stuffing. People call them white rose because of their shape. They’re served with fried shallots on the top and have to be dipped into a sauce. Count at least 30. 000 VDN ($1.30)

Did you know?

Apparently, the White Rose Restaurant in Hoi An is the only one making white rose dumplings and provides all local restaurants. The family owning the restaurant has kept the secret recipe for generations.

Banh Mi

Same as Com Ga, delicious Banh Mi can also be found everywhere in Vietnam. To remind Banh Mi is a sandwich made with French baguette mix with different ingredients such as vegetables, aromatics, meat, pate or eggs served with chilli sauce. There’s plenty of Banh Mi recipes you can taste.

One of the best and famous ones you should try in Hoi An is Banh Mi Phuong (according to the famous Anthony Bourdain) and Madam Khan Banh Mi Queen, but you should discover the best one by yourself!

banh mi phuong things to do in hoi an
Credits: Instagram @tkhanh.foodie
street food vietnamese pizza. Things to do in Hoi an
Credits: instagram @christinas_vietnam

Bahn Trang Nuong  (Vietnamese Pizza)

This “Vietnamese pizza” is only sold in stands in the central market.  It’s a grilled rice paper with eggs mixed with minced pork, fried little shrimps, fried onions and shallots. But just like a pizza, there is a lot of ingredients you can actually add inside. It’s usually served with chilli sauce and mayonnaise. Count about 30,000 VND for your pizza.

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