
June 2019
Is Vietnam safe? Check out our vietnam survival guide
Is Vietnam safe? This is one of the first questions every foreigner asks when coming to Vietnam. The quick answer would be yes. The more elaborate answer would be that, as one of the most visited countries in the world, Vietnam has also its fair share of tourist scams. Although they are not dangerous and...
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So, you’ve booked your flight. You’ve got your visa. You’re excited and counting the days and hours to the moment your plane takes off and brings you to the unknown. And here the luggage question crops up. But worry not! With this list of tips, there won’t be anything easier than packing for Vietnam!
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River running through rice paddies
As you may wonder about the weather in Vietnam in September. this is a transitional month from rainy season to dry season. The Central part is mostly prone to the increasing frequency of rain and possible storms. Hue and Hoi An, therefore, unfortunately, should be avoided. The South remains hot and humid with relatively frequent...
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We know it well – researching destinations and planning the route is the trickiest part of any trip. In Vietnam, the wealth of attractions is nothing less than overwhelming. And you’ll most probably want to see the most (if not all) of them on your journey. That’s why we created this list of must-see places...
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Vietnam is among most people’s top destinations, but what is there to do exactly? The country is vast and offers many possibilities. Are you a nature lover? An adventure seeker? No matter what rocks your boat, you won’t be disappointed. Apart from learning how to use chopsticks, follow our recommendations on the Top 14 Must...
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Whatever place you are coming from, you probably encountered Vietnamese cuisine even if you have never visited the country. Famous for noodles, soups, rice, spring rolls and thanks to the history baguette or coffee too, Vietnam is definitely a spot that should be on your gourmet travel list. View this post on Instagram The President's...
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vietnamese balut
Did you know that… 1. About 97% of Vietnam’s coffee comes from Robusta and Vietnam is the 2nd on the world’s most important coffee producing countries with shocking 1,650,000 metric tons (3,637,627,000 pounds). Only Brazil produces more. Credit: europeancoffeetrip 2. Beer is hugely popular in Vietnam. In summer, it is served with a glass of...
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The capital city Hanoi is located in the Northern Vietnam. With its unique interplay of authentic Southeast Asian culture, Chinese and colonial French influences, it never stops to enchant thousands of tourists. If you are planning a trip, and your head is crammed with questions: What are the best things to do in Hanoi? How...
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While some people might say otherwise, there is not really a bad time to visit Vietnam. July might be the wettest month of the year in some parts of Vietnam, but it’s still a great month to visit. At this time of the year, the temperature can rise to its highest (almost 40°C in some...
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